Stab in the dark time: could it be that for some reason today the content of that site was not valid xhtml, and some browsers started behaving funny because of that and not applying styles the way they should ? Or are you calling multiple stylesheets, and the sheet with all the positioning was not being served quickly enough by the server (did it work again on refresh at the time ?)
We may need some more info to make a correct diagnosis...otherwise, put it down to sh*t happens..."the inter-web was having a bad day" type thing...

Patrick H. Lauke
Webmaster / University of Salford

-----Original Message-----
From: Jackie Reid [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 09 March 2004 11:07
Subject: [WSG] Whats going on

Hi you lot
Can someone please explain this to me...
I have had a site up and running for a couple of months and doing its thing just fine. Now today out of nowhere it suddenly decides that absolute positioning is out and all those sections of the site simply disappeared from view.
After much tooing and frowing I decided to try  floating them instead and Voila there are all the bits i couldnt see before. WHY WHY WHY...Why would this have happened. Got me totally beat.
Anyone had any problems like this before and if so what the heck was it.
(must admit that im pretty proud of myself for sorting it but thats not the point really)
Jackie Reid
Mock Orange Web Site Development
1st Floor
92 Victoria Street
Ph: 07 4953 4035

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