Andy wrote:

>How about doing a Zen Garden type thing and allow 
>people to skin the WSG site.

That would be an interesting task, seeing it would be a 20 odd page site we would be 

The first challenge will be to get enough agreement on how to create the basic page 
structure, eg:
do we include extra divs to allow for clearing floats to deal with IE bugs?
who many divs just to contain the page ? one, one inside another or four to allow for 
various corner tricks?
do we have a few "extra" divs for images ala Zen Garden just incase people want to use 
them and how many?

So if Russ is willing to completely change the rules, we are willing to put up with 
some "lively discussions" on most suitable page strucutre, I for one am looking 
forward to the opportunity.



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