Hmmmm... All very interesting.

To do this we may have to change the functionality of the CMS a bit and
maybe even hard code the pages that rarely change due to the needs of a site
that displays code on the page by default (when pasted in). I don't think
that many outside the core group have actually used it though so this
shouldn't be an issue as any requests for changes to the content could still
be sent to us.

As Russ said it was built very quickly along these lines.

So, we'll now discuss this and get back to you about how we'll proceed.

Thanks for all your input again.


> > So if Russ is willing to completely change the rules, we
> are willing to put up with some "lively discussions" on most
> suitable page strucutre, I for one am looking forward to the
> opportunity.
> +1
> To discuss the page structure would be very interesting since
> this is a
> concrete use case and the site is not too complex.

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