Hmm your comment is interesting. Interesting as in it makes me want to
rethink the need to hide stylesheets or not to.

There are many sites out there (be it professional or personal sites) hiding
stylesheets from older browsers for e.g. the most common is Netscape 4x.

Wouldn't Netscape 4x users feel the same way as you then? 

I do understand that some people prefer to stick to whatever browser they
are using even if it is way outdated. 

But the problem here is trying to please everyone....which is impossible isn
t it? For Mac IE5 users who visited my site if they enter through the domain
 there is no way that they can find the navigation to enter the site because
the layout is broken to them. I am only stating from the pictures I have
seen sent by Mac IE5 users so I do not know if there is a way to find the
navigation to enter the site for sure.

So the question is to hide stylesheets or not to?

I chose to hide it till I find a way to work around those bugs. 

These are just my personal opinions. Maybe the experts can help shed some
lights in whether to hide stylesheets or not  :)
With Regards
Jaime Wong
SODesires Design Team
-------Original Message-------
Date: 03/25/04 01:27:37
Subject: Re: [WSG] Hiding styles message to certain browsers
> I know... but I can't get around the Mac IE bugs and it makes things even
> harder as I do not have a Mac to check against those bugs. Rather Mac IE
> and
> NS users see a plain text page than a broken design page.
> So got to hide the styles till I am able to buy me a Mac but by that time
> maybe Mac IE will no longer be used :D
As a Mac user, I would much rather see a buggy style sheet than no style
sheet at all. If you were to leave a way to contact you and I came across
your site with that in place, you would get an email complaining about it.
> With Regards
> Jaime Wong
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> SODesires Design Team
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> -------Original Message-------
> Date: 03/24/04 07:22:18
> Subject: Re: [WSG] Hiding styles message to certain browsers
>> I am thinking of hiding my stylesheets from Mac IE and Netscape
> Jamie
> Agrrzzzz... You'd be leaving most of us creative people out in the
> cold!
> Leo
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