Ok Leo now you are getting back on track and I accept and agree with what you said below  :)
What I need is some guidance in the situation I am facing now. Should I hide the stylesheet until I fix the site for Mac IE or should I just let it be? Best person to answer would be a Mac user I reckon :)
The style is horribly broken on the front page in Mac IE and as for the inner page...the contents are floating all the way to the right of the page. The menu list is not showing as inline as well. It is ghastly..well to me at least. That is why at the start of this post, I wanted to hide the styles till I overcome these bugs (not to shun away from Mac IE for good). There might be more than I have mentioned but I will have to see for myself in a Mac.
I had visited the 2 Mac related CSS bugs sites provided by this list.....so lost in all those bugs. Most of the time figuring which of the listed bugs are related to mine... Still figuring them out to be honest.
Please understand that I have only started to pick up CSS this Jan so fixing for Mac browsers related bug is still very new to me and frustrating as well as I do not own a Mac and this slows down the debugging process but that doesn't mean I admit being a loser by giving up :p
With Regards
Jaime Wong
SODesires Design Team
-------Original Message-------
Date: 03/26/04 03:30:59
Subject: Re: [WSG] Hiding styles message to certain browsers
>  the main topic here is about - To hide OR not to hide stylesheets
I know what the topic is...  While I agree with hiding stylesheet for
the few older browsers still out there, because their owners refuse to
use the better alternatives available, it is different for IE5 Mac
users, because we don't have available choices.  The last MSIE update
was IE5.2.2 and there may not be others according to reputable Mac
sources.  On the Mac, many users have to use IE5 for banking, stocks,
etc (esp. the many OS 9er's that can't use Safari at all) because of
the mentality that PCs are the dominant platform and there isn't any
rush for site developers to fix their code for the likes of Safari or
other Mac capable browser.
Now granted... I understand this Mac problem is getting better
everyday, but the mentality of not fixing code (which IMHO is the same
as shutting out styles for IEMac5 users... who would not want styles
when their hardware is capable of it) only reinforces the prejudice AND
it is prejudice when simple fixes ARE available to the site designer.
> Never once did I mention anything about shutting down the whole Mac
> computer platform
Don't take it personal.  It's just a discussion. ;-) If you were a Mac
user only and you read that piece, my expressed sentiments would jump
out at you from between the lines.

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