Hi Carlos and group

I'm new to the Web Standards Group and am not famliar with past discussion
topics - hope I'm not speaking out of turn.  I'm quite familiar with CSS and
XHTML (1.1) but always willing to learn new tricks.

> http://www.apex-ethics.com/

One of the things I noticed is the amount of code in the head section - lots
of comments (presumably inserted by Dreamweaver) and Meta data.  Perhaps I'm
ignorant, but is all that code necessary for a site to function?  What about
all those nested divs - not as bad as (shudder) nested tables, but is it

Also, I see lots of links with class="normal".  Would it not be more
efficient to set the default link in the container to waht this class
represents?  In other words, set the style for "#Navleft a" to what your
"normal" class currently has.  (I tend to use classes only for exceptions)

> I am using the "background bullet" technique. 

Can't help you on the server issue (other than to make the image bigger so
the server WILL serve it) but what is the "background bullet technique?
Can't you use a list-style-image?

Bert Doorn, Better Web Design
Fast-loading, user-friendly websites

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