El mar, 20-04-2004 a las 12:41, Bert escribió:

> > I am using the "background bullet" technique. 
> Can't help you on the server issue (other than to make the image bigger so
> the server WILL serve it) but what is the "background bullet technique?
> Can't you use a list-style-image?

Inconsistencies in the render of list-style-image make its use not to
easy. A common workaround is to set the style to list-style-type:none
and use a bullet image as the background to the li element (1). At
least, i think he's talking about that, didn't catch the original
message :)

(1) http://css.maxdesign.com.au/listutorial/introduction.htm 

Manuel González Noriega
Simplelógica, construcción web  
    URL: http://simplelogica.net
    TELEFONO: (+34) 985 22 12 65
Logicola es el weblog de Simplelógica http://simplelogica.net/logicola/
</p>That's right. We said Frontpage.</p>

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