Hi and welcome Noa!

> The only advantage I can tell is that it just doesn't use any
> <table> or
> <td> or <tr> tags, which I have an irrational hatred towards.

Let's not get carried away with hatred for tables. They have a place in
(x)html and where appropriate are the best tool for the job. Using them as a
layout hack is worthy of hatred, but not for tabular data.

The use of "summary" "caption" and using "header" with ids to link column
and row headings (<th>s) to the data also makes them completely accessible
as they are then self-describing when accessed non-visually by assistive
technologies. When entering any cell it will also give which column and row
the cell belongs to.

Take a look at
http://www.evolt.org/article/Building_accessible_tables/4090/42090/ (I know
there's a better one but can't think of it right now).

An analogy:

Think of tables as a drug like morphine which has both legitimate and
inappropriate uses (medical and recreational in case some of you are in a
table-induced haze). Many people got hooked on tables for inappropriate use
late last century and are still having trouble breaking the habit, but in
the hands of a skilled practitioner, they can do a lot of good.

We need a wing at the Betty Ford clinic for table addicts...


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