Hello Peter!

I also use WinXP since 1 or two months; and whilst i have an analog clock
made of svg on my desktop, i know that IE 6.0 hasn?t support for SVG
installed yet, i had to make an install form adobe... Opera doesn?t render
the clock neither before nor now. BAD NEWS

is that what u wanted?

Am Sat, 24 Apr 2004 04:12:25 +1000 schrieb Peter Firminger

Great question!

I must admit to copping out to a gif on the rare occasions we have had to do
this but SVG may be an option.

Does anyone know if the SVG plug-ins are pre-installed with browsers (IE in
particular) now? I seem to have the adobe plug-ins (I'm on WinXP Pro) but
can't remember if I installed it myself. Also what native support for SVG is
around in the other browsers?


Does anybody have some good examples of "proper" HTML and
good css for a Org
charts.  Actually the semantically correct HTML just layers
of unordered
lists, and the corresponding List Items.  I'm just having trouble
visualizing how I need to construct the CSS under it to get
the visually
preferred tree structure.

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