
Given that, from what I've seen of SVG, it's markup based - so I'm assuming that one could apply some XSLT to it and create a plain text version of it for those who can't navigate a SWF.
The same thing could be done with Flash if you were to pull the data from an external data source - provide a plain text link to text based version of the data.

Flash does have the bigger footprint but that's no reason to ditch other technologies - alternative technologies tend to make existing technologies better thru competition*.

We have to be careful here also to not compare Mandarins with Cumquats - similarities in some respects but wide apart in others.


* except MS.

Geoff Bowers wrote:

Peter Firminger wrote:

I still think that SVG is worth investigating though will be a steep
learning curve.

This one is pretty impressive, especially the relationships.

SVG is just too damn hard too. There are two simple realities with the state of SVG today:
1. the player is enormous and is unlikely to achieve any form of ubiquity in the forseeable future
2. SVG cannot do what Flash can do

With regard to organisation charts the difference in Flash and SVG functionality is probably not relevant. But if you have to develop skill sets, seems to me like Flash is a far better tool to be concentrating efforts on.

-- geoff

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