Good on you, Mike.

You've confessed before that you're not a designer, so you've done reasonably well given that. (This is meant to sound encouraging!)

Just some quick comments:

* Instead of the grey bullets, which take up a lot of room on your navigation elements, how about either scrapping them altogether or perhaps making a fat left hand border instead? This would leave a little more room for your text to expand if a user wants to increase font size.

* You still have a bit of legacy code in the footer. You could get rid of that "align="center"" stuff with CSS. You could turn the "Home | News | etc" links into a list in the HTML just as you have at the top of the page and use a "border-left" with a little padding for the <li>s. If you add a ul + li to your css for the footer you can turn the left border and padding off for the first li, even if IE users will still be stuck with them.

* Can you line up the top of the product pictures with the red product codes? This would look better than having them floating half way vertically.

* Don't forget that you can make text a different colour from black. You could go with a darkish grey or perhaps a dark, desaturated green to go with the dominant colour of the page. Don't worry about web-safe colours any more.

* Can you make the colour of the shopping cart icons match the green of the other elements? If you could extract those little shopping cart images from the current buttons and attach them to some real text links (with a border-left and a background-image) this would be better coding/accessibility practice and would look better, too. And perhaps place them at top right of the header with the same margin (top and right) as that of the table-leg "l" in the logo from the line above it.

* It's a bit confusing (to me) that the shopping cart icons appear on pages that don't seem to relate to ordering. Would it be best either to confine them to a set of logical pages or have them appear (visibility: visible;) only when an ordering process has been undertaken?

All the best -Hugh Todd

(Hope the WSG can cope with this mix of coding and design comments.)

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