On May 11, 2004, at 9:30 pm, Vaska.WSG wrote:

I'm having the wost time right now trying to get IE to handle this test page. I have two columns and inside of each column is a table (one of which has a width of 100%). But IE just will not allow both tables to align side-by-side. I have the box model hack in here to control the widths of the columns but it's not working...

I'm really at a loss for what to do/try next with this...

Sample page (it's been validated but there are errors with onclicks and alt tags which I didn't bother correcting for the moment)...it's also quite ugly as I put in some styles so I could visually see what what going on...

Oh yeah, I have a textarea in there as well as this is really where things began - so I thought I would just try to solve both at the same time (but I do believe the textarea issue has been resolved).


For one - you have a width defined container (#middle) next to a floated box, this is sometimes (hmm) problematic in IE - the 3px jog is messing things up.
<http://www.positioniseverything.net/explorer/threepxtest.html>, and while you're over there check the articles on 'float'.
Then, the table(s) in there. (no IE at the moment, VPC is acting up), I don't think the left column is causing problems. the right column is doing the weird things..
Check my draft article on the subject of tables - still a huge mess, but maybe you recognise something.
(under part II are some more successful attempts at managing this issue).


Philippe Wittenbergh
now live : <http://emps.l-c-n.com/>
code | design | web projects : <http://www.l-c-n.com/>
IE5 Mac bugs and oddities : <http://www.l-c-n.com/IE5tests/>

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