Since it seems like a rather common problem...

My solution certainly required the box model hack. Plus instead of left and right floats I used only left floats. All my column widths are obviously fixed. Perhaps things were helped by the fact that only one of the tables required a width of 100% also.

It's all working (and tested) very nicely now...v

ps: I've never used a mail list to search for problems. But now that I have 3,087 WSG messages in this mailbox I can usually search the subject or message body and find solutions to problems - it's really quite cool. Thanks WSG...

On 11 May 2004, at 15:41, Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:

For one - you have a width defined container (#middle) next to a floated box, this is sometimes (hmm) problematic in IE - the 3px jog is messing things up.

Do you think so? I have a space in between the left and middle divs that is left's about 15px wide...nothing occupies this zone...

Reading, reading, reading...v

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