The ASP.NET framework does not produce standards compliant XHTML. Hence, no
off-the-shelf forum component for ASP.NET will produce valid XHTML.

You have four main options when aiming for standards compliance in ASP.NET.

1) Visit and purchase their product. It replaces
*all* of the ASP.NET server controls with ones that produce valid XHTML 1.1
(including the standard Calendar). It also cleverly separates the styling
and behaviour into a separate external CSS and JS files. This won't fix any
commercial components, as they will target the standard ASP.NET server
controls. However, if the component is open-source, then you can roll up
your sleeves and fix this.

2) Create your own server controls that output valid XHTML. Start with this
tutorial "Valid XHTML within .NET":

3) You can, to some degree, "fix" the HTML produced by your ASPX page by
passing it through a final "filter". This filter uses Regular Expressions to
correct the more common violations of the standards. See "Producing
XHTML-Compliant Pages With Response Filters":

4) You can forget about the server controls altogether. Instead, your Data
and Business layers can return an XML file to your UI layer. The UI layer
then transforms this XML file with a static or dynamic XSLT file. The
resulting valid XHTML (including server controls) can be dropped on the ASPX
Page. This can be a lot more work ... but it is an option.

I hope this gives you some starting points.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joe Leech" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 11:12 PM
Subject: [WSG] standards compliant .NET modules

> Hello WSG,
> I 've only been on the list for a couple of weeks and I've found the
> discussion really interesting.  Anyway...
> I am working on a .NET CMS product and we are currently wrestling to
> make the output standards compliant which is proving to be tricky.  Does
> anybody know of any off the shelf .NET XHTML/CSS compliant forum or
> calander products?
> Thanks in advance for your help,
> joe
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