I'm fairly sure the page-break-after won't help here.

That doesn't add some thing after a page break. E.g. it can't be used to
stick a logo after every page break (to show on the top of each new page).
page-break-after tells the browser to break the page after the element.
For example...

p {page-break-after: always;}


h2 {page-break-after: avoid;}

That last one's handy ;)

You shouldn't use the page break thing often though. Oh also, if you try
and guess where the page should break... Remember people use different
paper size, margins, font size, etc, etc.

If you *need* your logo on the top of every page, pdf is really the
easiest and safest way. In saying that, that doesn't stop most people
printing straight from the webpage (>_<)


Darian Cabot
Cabot Consultants Pty Ltd
Software Engineer / Website Design

>> From: Barbara Dozetos [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> [snip]
>> but
>> because we
>> can't reliably control page breaks,
> Page-break-after should be supported since IE4.0 (not tested
> it though) http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS2/page.html#page-break-props
> P
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> http://www.salford.ac.uk
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