Hey there Peter,
everyone here at my office has had the day in their calendar to check out the redesign. Now that the redesign has shipped and you can now get your life back... I'd love to hear (if you have time) about the process involved in the redesign.
There was a report from Forrester last year that a large percentage of redesigns make things worse and they cited Macromedia's first iteration as an example. They then went on to praise the second redesign - http://www.macromedia.com/homepage/forrester.pdf 
From a process point of view, I'd love to know how you approached such a huge project.
~ How you identified a redesign was necessary
~ How you got buy-in from the key stakeholders that a redesign was necessary
~ What were the traget areas you wanted to improve and update
~ What kind of useability // surveys // focus groups // lab // eye tracking testing you did
~ How you migrated the templates (you guys use Fatwire as the backend yeah?)
~ How you went about browser testing and what browsers you promised the stakeholders you would test for
~ How rigourous was your test plan
~ How many releases and iterations you did do before final release
~ What have been the anectdotal responses from users
~ What are the measureable benefits from the redesign
mmm - so many questions - so little time. I'm sure you're going to have a busy couple of weeks so I will understand if you ignore such a long list of sticky-beak questions...
I would.
Personally - I love the redesign.
A bienetot,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2004 7:02 AM
Subject: [WSG] SMH launch

Hey – why has the SMH site gone haywire in IE6?


Only kidding peter – looks great. That was the big one!


Well done again



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