Good morning everyone,

I hail from Dallas, Texas and I have a rather perplexing problem
pertaining to drop down menus.

I design in 1024 X 768, and although I view my designs using different
screen resolutions and browsers, I can't seem to figure a way to prevent
my menus from shifting in screen resolutions outside of 1024 X 768.


I use Dreamweaver to create the menus, which generates internal
JavaScript, and an external .JS file. I haven't been able to determine
where the problem exists.

If anyone could provide a solution it would be greatly appreciated!

I apologize in advance if I'm not following procedure due to the fact I
just registered last night, and I'm new to the system.

Respectfully yours,
Mario S. Cisneros

> There are some great examples here:
> esp. the drop down menu
> Gav
> Jackie Reid wrote:
>> Hi everyone...
>> in dire straits here...
>> I am desperately looking for an exploding/folding tree menu that
>> remembers the last state of the menu when you refresh or go back to a
>> page. Have tried all the ones that seem to be available on line but
>> they  either dont do what i want, or do what i want and wont validate.
>> Is  there anything out there or should i be looking for a java script
>> writer  of my own?
>> Is this OT.. if it is ...sorry... maybe you could just email me direct
>>  if you have an answer.
>> Jackie Reid
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