Nelson Ford wrote:

I've seen more and more of this fiddling with DTD's lately, and I'm not sure it is a wise thing for us to be going off the standard...

This is and idea I've been toying with recently, and I wasn't even sure if browsers actually read the DTD to allow this to work. I should add that I had no intentions of raising the dead, but rather, I wanted to fix something I see as a minor failing in XHTML in order to increase the semantic value of my markup. What I wanted to do is allow <ol>s and <ul>s inside <p>s, and then style the list as {display:inline}. But even if left at block level, there are time when it would still increase the symantic value.

It is, as you put it a "can of worms." In many ways it's similar to mutations in DNA: for every harmless mutation, never mind the even rarer beneficial ones, there are many thousands of harmful ones. (One of the problem with Hypothesis of Natural Selection [it's not a theory since it makes no predictions which have been verified], but I'm guessing that that discussion might be slightly off topic.)

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