Miles Tillinger schrieb, am 24.05.04 02:40:

IE6 wraps long URL's at spaces ( ), hyphens (-), question marks (?)
and percent signs (%), whereas Mozilla doesn't wrap unbroken strings at
all. In the crazy world of CMS's and unpredictable 'cowboy' content
editors this can be a bit of a problem for multi-column portal sites. Is
there any way to make Mozilla play nice without resorting to a
server-side solution?

AFAIK nothing that works cross-Browser.

There are several CSS3-properties that should influence line-breaks.
Rather complicated and probably a long way to implementation.

There are some special unicode characters - not supported by IE and hence not applicable.

IE's line-breaking behaviour is nothing others should imitate. See
The text discusses primarly the opposite problem: Keeping IE from line-breaking, but is also informative for your problem.

IMHO the only chance to handle the problem is server-sided.


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