Hello Kim,
Strict requires all pages to be opened in the same window.
Regardless of how you do the _javascript_ it will not provide an accessible option.  My recommendation would be to remove the onkeypress and use tabindex and accesskey.  Then the person can open those links in new windows.  I would have the links open in a new window and that window be a regular window - not like you have now.
Let us discuss heading tags for a moment.  You seem to be using your heading tags improperly.  Your H1 tag is the same on all pages and linked to your homepage.  That is improper.  H1 tags help define the topic of the page.  Subsequent heading tags should support or be a sub-heading of the previous heading.  Your H3 headings seem to be used for font sizing.  You cannot use heading tags for font size declarations.  They must be used for real headings.
3.5 Use header elements to convey document structure and use them according to specification. [Priority 2]
For example, in HTML, use H2 to indicate a subsection of H1. Do not use headers for font effects.
I hope this helps further.
Lee Roberts

From: Kim Kruse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, July 04, 2004 11:41 AM
Subject: RE: [WSG]

Hi Lee, 
>Continuing with out conversation and therefore keeping the posts together so people don't get confused.
>Let's go back to #1.
>(1) Your first question deals with the fact that you have the following codes in use.
><li><a href="produkter.htm" title="Gruppe: produkt oversigt">Produkter</a></li>
><a href="produkter/produkter.htm" title="Til produkter">Produkter</a>
>Those two pieces of code point to two different locations, but have the same text "Produkter".  Actually, both links are broken.
>I checked your codes and you still have the same problem.
Sorry about that... I missed it. Should be fixed now (The dir isen't up yet... but the link is pointing to the right place)
>Number 2 was fixed by changing to grey letters against the red background.
>(3)  Based upon what you are saying in your reply they are web pages on other domains.  Why use _javascript_?  I would use the >standard <a href="" target="_blank">anchor text</a> to open a new window. 
That isen't xhtml strict... is it?
>If you're opening a small window to provide help >or additional information in your domain then a _javascript_ isn't too bad and >probably the best way using your codes.
So since the links are for other domains would the best solution not be to use plain links and no new windows?
>(4)  Correct, you do not need to worry about that issue.
>(5)  This one I left out last time.  Please explain why you use an acronym tag for Jette A Kaarsbøl.  I would use the description >about Jette being an author of a book in the viewable text (regular text on the page).
I know accronym are 3 letter short for something.... but I think I got a little carried away with those nifty accronym tags :o) I've removed the tag.
>(6)  The links you are listing appear to be clients.  Am I correct?  Did you design the book cover or the web site?
Originaly I did both. The website isen't ready yet (need content from the author!!!) and the bookcover was changed a bit from the publishers side... diffrent color and font type
>Thank you for letting me help.
No... thank you.
>Lee Roberts

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