> -----Original Message-----
> From: Neerav
> 1, 2 and 3 December 2004 at La Trobe University, Bundoora, Victoria.
> So I guess most attendees will be Victorians.
> --
> Neerav Bhatt

Yes, there are a lot of people from Melbourne involved in the Web
Accessibility movement, some of them joined the W3C in the mid nineties to
work on WCAG1, mainly Liddy Neville and her son Charles, who used to work
for the W3C in WAI, but now he focuses more on the Semantic Web.  There are
a number of others that are part of the W3C WAI-GL from Melbourne.  Liddy is
the main organiser of the conference.

But if I can say, it really needs the input of developers working with
standards.  There's nothing wrong with the people working on WAI at the W3C,
it's just that the standards orientated developer's voice needs to be heard
more strongly.

Justin French replied to me off list about my post of CMSs (I was just
trying to get a feel for what people were using)

> The biggest problem with standards isn't so much the templates (since
> most programs allow you to build your own standards-compliant
> templates) -- it's the user input (titles, headings, text, images,
> etc).

This is something that I have been hounding the W3C ATAG about.  They are
aware of the issues, but other developers need to raise it as well (if they
feel it is an issue).  Jutta Treviranus is chair of ATAG, and will be at
OZEWAI2004, so it is a good opportunity to discuss such matters with him.

Here is a post I made regarding this issue.


To ATAGs defence, people like Matt May are pretty aware of these issues and
he is working hard on trying to get more feedback from the developer
community.  Also, if you burrow down enough, you find in the supporting
documents that these issues are covered to a reasonable extent.  But I think
it needs to be made clear in the main recommendation, and address this issue
more directly, because it needs some sort of clear path forward for

I for one would not touch a development contract to build a web based
interface that referenced ATAG compliance, and I'm a standards based WAI
developer, and have been for a long time, because ATAG and WCAG aren't
compatible in my view for web based content interfaces.

I post this here because it seems to me this list is exactly the community
these issue affect, but apologies if this is really off topic.

Geoff Deering

The discussion list for http://webstandardsgroup.org/
See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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