sinz wrote:

Now, it took me a while to get here, but we all got to start somewhere.
But what now? How can you prepare for the next specification, new attributes and selectors, is there a test suite for CSS3?. Im a graphic designer, who's passion for web development introduced me to one of the strongest client side languages available to any developer, now that im at a point of "speaking fluent CSS" what do i tackle next, what new CSS3 flavours can i focus on for the next wave of innovation?

Well you can find a lot of the working drafts for CSS3 here

Although considering how quickly (or slowly) these things take to get finished and implemented, I doubt you'll be writing CSS3 pages until you're into your late 20's.

As Jeremy Keith says, "The DOM is the new CSS" so my advice would be to look to the DOM as your next adventure in web standards.

Andy Budd

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