I just had an appointment reminder pop-up on my outlook.  Today is the day that I'm 
supposed to put together a list of access keys to use on our web site and the tab 
index on our forms.  For those of you that have put together a chart of access keys 
for your sitewide navigation, do you have any good suggestions?  Has anyone written a 
good story on the approach and maybe even listed a set of default access keys to keep 
the web fairly universal?

Thanks for the help to this plaintive cry for help.

By the way, I just finished combining sliding doors with a big ol' sprite that 
includes all of my site's navigation and background elements. I haven't fine-tuned it 
but will post it when it's done.  The sticking point is the right side of the tab when 
I can't use 100% as the right side.  If you've done sliding doors ala alistapart, this 
ramble may make some sense.

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