Hi Helen

I use Firefox, in combination with Chris Pederick's Web Developer extension (http://www.chrispederick.com/work/firefox/webdeveloper/), as my primary development browser. Firefox renders my markup and CSS as I'd expect it to be rendered, gives me good page information and has a built in DOM inspector. Once the Web Developer toolbar is included it becomes very easy to check on page structure, validation and the like.

Opera still has some rendering quirks and a somewhat more cluttered feel.

I know this isn't much help for your list but there's a certain je ne sais quoi about Firefox - it just feels right!


Peter Asquith



I'm putting together a list of web development tools and am wondering about
the following:

Why is the Firefox browser used by Web Developers?   What does it have that
makes it a good tool?  - over other browsers?  Why not Opera?

Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks

Helen Rysavy
Designer / Webmaster
Learning Resources Division
Charles Darwin University
Northern Territory 0909
Tel: 8946 7779 Mobile: 0403 290 842
CRICOS Provider No: 00300K

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