>> [B] in Firefox, when I apply any styling to the drop-down select
box, it loses the down-arrow on the right side, so firefox users will
assume it's not a drop-down box.   Is this a bug or a 'feature
enhancement'? or is there some styling I need to apply to put the
arrow back?
This is caused by the fact you have floated the select without applying a width.
Further tests revealed that 10em is as wide as it will allow without
killing the arrow.
Even then it disappears again when the text size is increased beyond 120%.

Change this bit of your CSS and you should be back on track :)

float: left;
background: #feb;

All the best,

**P.S: apologies to all list members if this response 'double posts'
like my last two have. This seems to be a problem with gmail, as I can
assur you I'm not pressing Send twice ;)
If it does, I'll stop using gmail for this list.

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