Hi Paul,
I created a list of CSS properties and browsers that support them http://www.csscreator.com/attributes/
It still needs a little work refining and adding content.
The idea was to get the community (members of the CSS Forum) behind it and have them add to the content.
Once logged in you can add / edit content and levels of browser support or make a comment.
Eventually I will get around to finishing it off, it's on my to do list.

Tony Aslett

Paul Novitski wrote:


Drowning as I am in the unending flood of details about CSS -- what works and what doesn't on which browsers, and how to make a particular effect work cross-browser -- I've started conceiving a database to augment my maxed-out cerebrum.

Such a database could be queried for suggestions of how to accomplish a given presentational task, to advise about the cross-browser issues of particular elements, and to provide links to source material and demos on the net. Ultimately it might be made into a validator to help folks pinpoint problems in their markup. It would contain the kinds of details that are imparted daily on this glorious list, although I cannot imagine it ever rendering CSS listserves obsolete because of the endless fountain of human invention they convey.

Before I get too far into this project, I'm wondering:

- Is anyone else working on this kind of thing?
- Would you like to join a working group to discuss its feasibility and implementation?


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