I have been developing a catalogue/shopping cart site for a client and have 
come across the following problem in IE. For some reason, every now and then, 
a rectangular patch of the background shows though. A screen capture of this 
is available at:

http://www.madforit.com.au/brothers/ie.jpg (please excuse the quality of the 

The offending page can be found at:


Note the dark blue box below the heading "SPECIAL - XXXX Gold Stubbies".

I have been taring my hair out for hours trying to figure this one out. 
Sometimes its there, others it isn't. Sometimes you have to add something 
into the shopping cart before it will play up. I haven't been able to 
replicate the problem in any other browser.

Also while I am here, has anyone noticed that if you create a PNG file with a 
solid colour in it, it will never match up to the to a background colour in 
Safari. Is there any way to make sure they do or is PNG support in Safari 
broken? An example screenshot:


Thanks in advance.

For those who want to know this is my first real site in XHTML + CSS. I have 
wanted to do it before, but I have never had a designer who would actually 
let me write the HTML code until now.

At the backend I have used (slightly off topic i know)

HTML_QuickForm (Object Oriented form builder)
DB_DataObject (Object Oriented interface to MySQL)
Smarty template engine

Hopefully in the end, I will have a standards compliant web site, that neatly 
has all the back end code separated from the HTML. It should be a dream to 
maintain if I manage to achieve this. 



Ned Lukies

Mad for IT
(07) 38319234
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