> About to Launch this site, but before it goes could you please take a
> look and tell me what you think.
> http://www.matamanoa.com/new/


The box for the flash is a little too wide in firefox - I say box,
becasue I leave my browsers  "as shipped" and so don't have flash
installed in firefox because so many of the clients i deal with don't
install or download anything

I did go look in IE 6 (win xp) since I have flash there :>)   and
though I'm not a fan of flash, it's a nice presentation.

I would sugest  adding in a language attribute to your html tag,   and
since it's xhtml 1 trans., how about   <html
xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; xml:lang="en">

It views nicely when you resize the window, and the text except for
the menu (well and the tiels since you're using images)  resized fine
in FireFox, but for some reason, wouldn't resize at all for me in IE
and I didn't take the time to find out why.

I didn't see a link to a site map any where, and that's always the
first thing I look for.

Your reservations form doesn't use any accessibility features like
fieldsets, legends or labels, and I feel all forms should use these. 
It also relies on a table which makes accessibility even harder.  You
could do this all in css with the proper accessibility and it would
look good and act well - but then, not every developer uses these, so
it's just how I feel about it.

Very cool locations map - easy to read  - iwell except if you're color
blind, then the green crossing the red is very hard to diferentiate,
it might be a good idea to make one of the lines dotted.  I know
that's picky.  FOr my eyes I really liked it!

I also liked the hide and show the meal and other rates under cusine.

Over all , a nice site

Susan R. Grossman
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