Matt -

On Wed, 1 Dec 2004 15:23:49 +1100, Matt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am setting up a sports website for a client, where all of the
> content is in Article format which rotates regularly - essentially a
> news type site. I am determined to build the site in valid XHTML/CSS.


> I do not want to use a splash screen, because it will just get in the
> way, and could turn viewers away. 

hear hear!  take a look at google with a term like '3 click rule'. 
Use a splash screen, and you've limited yourself to delivering your
product in 2 clicks.  that's a challange.  Not to mention, if you use
something fancy like flash for the splash screen, 9 times out of 10,
I'm already done.

>I do not want to use images in the
> navigation, not only for usability / accessibility  / SEO reasons, but
> because the site is dynamic and I want the Nav to be dynamically
> driven.

a valid argument.  Perhaps doing some general surfing and giving them
research examples could help?  Show them how nice your method can
look, how effective it can be?

Also, there are too many articles to count covering the topic of how
web publishing is drastically different from print publishing.  Maybe
a selection of them from the big hitters (CNN/tech, O'Reiley, etc.)
would help your case?

hope this is of some use


Jonathan T. Sage
Theatrical Lighting / Set Designer
Professional Web Design

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