On 6/12/04 4:04 PM, "Mordechai Peller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Kevin Futter wrote:

> "Less important" doesn't mean "not important."

Exactly, which is why I didn't say "not important" ...

>> And therein lies the rub: lists are one-dimensional, as you yourself point
>> out
>> elsewhere; breadcrumbs attempt to represent a path across the document
>> hierarchy, whereas lists imply, and are taken to imply, that each element
>> exists on the same hierarchical plane.
> Not ordered lists. The fact that they are ordered gives them a hierarchy.

You can slice it and dice it however you want, but 'order' does not mean
'hierarchy'. Any given unit cannot exist in the same physical or virtual
space as any other unit, so it has to displaced from them. This displacement
has to be ordered, sometimes arbitrarily; the result is not necessarily a
hierarchy, and it is folly to assume that it is so. Order is horizontal
integration, hierarchy is vertical integration.

> Perhaps, except semantics are important to Web standards.

Perhaps, but Web standards semantics are not the same as linguistic
semantics, and neither has much to do with the compressed meaning a single
word can contain.

Time to call a truce?

Kevin Futter
Webmaster, St. Bernard's College

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