Email sent on behalf of Mike Brown - Wellington WSG organiser

ok, Darren

firstly you need to move to Wellington rather than Australia. :) We have
close to 60 people who've RSVP-ed for the first Wellington WSG meeting on
Thursday. I think that's an amazing number of people, and suggests to me a
real desire and need to embrace web standards. I don't have the figures to
hand, but there's probably an equal split between "developers" and people
from the "public sector".
I think there's a big wave coming.

> A few months back (maybe even a year) the NZ government released web
> guidelines for all their websites.[3]  Sure, this is meant to apply
> only to government sites, but i think every New Zealand web developer
> should read this document and try to at least adhere to some of these
> guidelines when building websites.  So far I've seen one NZ government
> site[4] that bothers to adhere.  (I'm sure their must be more, and I'd
> love see them so I can feel a little better about being a web developer
> in NZ.)

Yes, I think the web guidelines are good, and we look to incorporate them
largely as a matter of course. But, and I've been thinking of writing
something on this, I don't think they (or web standards in general) are a
huge selling point. I'd even go so far as to say I don't think there's a
huge business case for web standards. To me they're something you just do,
as they're the right thing. You do them because you're a good craftsperson
and they are just part of making a good site. But at best they're only
part of selling yourself to a client. And, as can be seen by so many
sites, other factors - design, cost, politics to name a new - are more
important. But you're absolutely on the right course to develop using web
standards. From a purely commercial point of view, you're positioning
yourself well.
And, so everyone doesn't think NZ developers don't care about standards,
here is a list of the top of my head of (more or less) standards-compliant
sites we've developed over the past year. And I know others out there are
doing sites like this also.

Growth and Innovation framework

Buddle Findlay Lawyers

Reserve Bank of New Zealand

Creative New Zealand

Hui Taumata 2005

Effective Governance

Asia New Zealand foundation

Disclaimer: We didn't design the "look and feel" of most of these sites.
I'm also not putting them up as perfect examples! but more to show that
people here are working towards good practice in web standards.


The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

 See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
 for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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