Hugh Todd wrote:
Anyone come up with, or implemented, a 3-column layout of this sort in which the left and right columns also stretch as a percentage of the page width?

I saved the page to disk (via Firefox's Save Page command), and when I open it locally, the columns don't stretch (and appear as if they were just floats)

This is because Firefox doesn't save files linked to in CSS files.

This "wrapping" technique looks useful, but because the backgrounds to the columns have to be defined by images (as the wrapper is actually a container, and thus... giving it a background color (or repeat-xy image) fills the whole screen

I haven't tried it yet, but one theory is to make the background repeater very long (horizontally), and set it to repeat-y, but set its "x-axis" start position as a percentage.

(I hope that made some sense)

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