Steven Clark wrote:
I've been reading my digests after a small holiday and I came across this link posted a few days ago for moronic designers to be sent. Is this really a good idea?

Of course it's not. It says a lot about the intellectual level and elitist "head firmly up my recharge socket" attitude of the page's author. And yes, it's detrimental, as the aggressive, offensive language only helps to obscure the actual information (in the same vein that, say, extremist religious fanaticism isn't about the actual religion, but about why "my god(s) is/are better than yours").

Maybe "night owl" needs to get a few emails about proper etiquette and maybe even the basics of human interaction ("if you start an argument by calling somebody a moron, don't expect them to listen to you") to get a taste of his own medicine...

Patrick H. Lauke
re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.] |

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