On Fri, 07 Jan 2005 13:55:38 -0500, Bruce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I hope I'm not out of line here, but as a webstandards group it is
> interesting that a simple matter of font size is awaiting being
> addressed by the G8 presidency team...I included this for general interest
> ...but at least they are aware of it.

I absolutely hate to jump into the topic of font-size issue, because I
think this is
the question of religion, not web standards.

Which standard exactly prohibits use of px as font-size unit?

>From original letter:

> Thank you for your interest in the UK G8 Presidency website and bringing
> to our attention that the font size cannot be changed via the browser.

Why not? I can change it (except for graphical menu and absolutely
illegible trademark notice).
The only browser which does not allow it is IE for Windows That's it.
(yes, I can hear your "it is the most popular and user by 7/8/9-ty
percents of the web surfers. Anyway, 1/2/3-ty percent of users CAN
change font size in browser. Maybe 0.1% wants to... maybe 0.01% knows

Mac users don't have this problem, Linux users don't have this
problems, Mozilla/Firefox users on any platform don't have this

> This is an accessibility issue that we are aware of and hope to be able
> to address in the near future.

I'd really really like to see any research data which would back up
this statement.
If you have any links - please, provide.

To be more precise: what percentage of unfortunate web surfers knows
that it is possible to change font size.
And then what percentage of those uses font-changing tools instead of
using glasses.

That's why I hate this issue - because it is based on assumptions,
guesses, and overestimated urge of average user to control something.

This is classic case probability vs. possibility.

While I agree, that using methods which allow scale fonts on IE/Win to
(even it only makes
happy all 15 web-developers, who know browsers in and out, and use
Firefox anyway) is preferable, I do not think this issue deserves as
much attention as it gets now.

http://rimantas.com/ (yep, px fonts)
The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

 See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
 for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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