I have always recommended not using an editor, learn it manually, then perhaps use one for shortcuts. Reliance on html editors and such isn't a good idea. That will go a long way toward learning on your own, without being limited by some software. Notetab or notepad is fine.

Bruce Prochnau

David Laakso wrote:

On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 10:05:03 -0330, Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have been writing html code for awhile now and and starting to realize
how inaccessible and non-web compliant my pages are. I have always hand
written code in Edit Plus 2, is there a better editor I can use for web
standards ( like Dreamweaver MX ? ) and where should I start for tips on
accessibility and standards compliance.
Thanks for any help.

With regard to editors, you may find this link helpful. http://css-discuss.incutio.com/?page=CssEditors David

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