On Wed, 02 Mar 2005 12:29:19 +0000, john <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Still working on that photo gallery. :) I found a site that helped me in creating a photo gallery I like, but I need to put a "hover" on the thumbnails so that the user knows where they are. I'd like to have it change the opacity, but a) I'm not sure how accepted that is amongst the browsers and b) if it is, I'm sure how to do it, or where to place it in my CSS.

Can anybody please assist me? The site is at http://www.drzeus.net/clients/stevierays/gallery.html
Looks good, from http://www.stunicholls.myby.co.uk/I assume? On that same site you may find what you need regarding opacity: however, I'm really not sure it is necessary-- you only have a few photos, and it's obvious what's where, and been seen.
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