Hi John,

Firstly, thanks for taking a look - it sounds like the same issues described by Barry Cranmer too (whom I should also thank publicly!)

The main header & content stretches to the left overlapping the navigation, obstructing not only view but also clickability of the nav items (they're clickable, just the left edges). Then the ad space from google shifts to the right, overlapping the main content.

...thought that I'd fixed that, but I was only viewing at 800x600 resolution in Browsercam!

And if you scroll to the bottom, there's this large chunk of white space that juts out to the left. . .

...that was from my previous testing - whoops!

By the way, John, the screengrab 'elbombin_01.pdf' doesn't seem to work, but 'elbombin_02.pdf' is really helpful! :)

The method I use is to "text-align: center;" the body, and then have your wrapper margin set to "margin: 0px auto 0px auto;", and "text-align: left;" to bring everything back to left aligned. Perhaps that starting point could prove promising. . .

I've used that method previously, but I combined 'left:50%' with a negative left-hand margin because it *seemed* to be more stable across different browsers - I'll check that out again after having another play at Browsercam.

As for the example "pop-up", IE only displays a small bordered box to the left of the "ADDITIONS/CORRECTIONS" header, and Safari displays it fine but it sits underneath (z-index wise) your ending tagline of "El Bombin is Produced.

Okey-doke! Once again, thanks for that it's a big help, much appreciated.

Now I've got a bit more idea as to what's happening, I can make some changes to the Mac IE -specific stylesheet.



John D Wells wrote:
Well I wish I could offer a solution, but right now all I can give you is as problem. Mac Safari looks great, but IE 5.2 looks pretty rough.

<!-- snipped --!>

HTH, John

On Mar 2, 2005, at 7:44 PM, Stuart Homfray wrote:

Hi all,

I have tested the site with the usual PC browsers (IE4, IE5, IE5.5, IE6, Firefox, Opera 7, even NN4.7) and I'm reasonably happy, and I've looked at the layout using Browsercam for Safari, IE5.2, Konqueror and Opera 6 and (aside from a bit of trouble in Opera 6) I'm still reasonably happy, but it would be incredibly useful if a couple of 'kind souls' could spare a minute or two to test a couple of aspects of the site requiring user interaction.

The two areas that need checking are the 'VIEW COACHES' open/close menu toggle link, and, the 'see example' 'pop-up' help on 'Information' label in the small form at the bottom of the coach pages (the Jimmy Hogan/William Townley/Jack Reynolds pages). I've taken a couple of screen grabs of what they're SUPPOSED to look like as a comparison - see:

menu: <http://elbombin.stuarthomfray.co.uk/menu_beforeAfter.gif>
coach page info rollover: <http://elbombin.stuarthomfray.co.uk/coachespage.png>

The site url is <http://elbombin.stuarthomfray.co.uk/> - if you feel it would be better to contact me directly, please use [EMAIL PROTECTED],...
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