Helmut Granda wrote:

Could some one take a look and help me find where I am making the mistake? Web references are good too. I have been searching for nearly 3 hours in different sites but none that I have found cover mp3, I even found a way around to embed Media Player in FF.

How isn't it working?

Your example code works for me on a local mp3 file, so it's probably to do with your particular configuration of Firefox,

1. First see whether Firefox is configured to use Quicktime correctly by typing "about:plugins" into your Firefox address bar. Here you can see mime-types and which applications are associated... so see if Quicktime is being referenced for the file extension and mime-type.
2. And then see whether your server is configured correctly and sending out the right http mime-type header ("audio/x-mp3"). You can use http://www.delorie.com/web/headers.html to check your server's response headers.

If that doesn't work try stripping down your <object> to refer to mime-types rather than classids or codebases. This way if they've got Windows Media Player it will play mp3s in that, and if they've got Quicktime it'll play mp3s in that. This does mean supporting a few more parameters though as the ways of starting play aren't standardised but it's more likely to Just Work.

ps. it's an old hack, but lying in the mime-type and using audio/wav gets past a lot of plugin screw-ups.
pps. cool name.

.Matthew Cruickshank http://holloway.co.nz/

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