Sorry, I don't have a Mac, so I can't help you in that department, but I tested it in my versions of Firefox (1.0.2 & nightly) and the menus go down, but they won't go up again (at least I couldn't figure out how to do it).
Alan Trick

Richard Czeiger wrote:

Let's combine a whole bunch of different CSS concepts and hope it works in everything. :o)
Check out this link:
Here's the CSS:
On the navigation:
1. The suckerfish drop down on "services" in the menu works.
2. Replaced all the text links with sliding doors background images.
3. Because we're on the Client page, this has it's roll-over state on.
All this works PERFECTLY on PC FireFox, PC IE 5.0 and PC IE 6.0.
Mac Safari? The nav doesn't work at all....
Can't even click on the buttons.
Can anyone PLEASE help me?
I don't have OSX 10.2 so I can't test on Safari.
Anything to get me out of this hole would be greately appreciated!.
Cheers :o)

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