
> I'm going to make a presentation to art students on an introduction to
> web design and would like some advice (besides how to deal with the
> butterfiles in the stomach). 

A few points....

Many arteeeests claim that the limitations of web design restricts
creativity. Realistically, a) it's not *that* limited, and b)
limitation is a source of inspiration anyway.

To this end I'd head that argument off at the pass by showing them the
CSS Zen Garden (it's an old chestnut to us, but they probably won't
have seen it).

Continuing the faux-eastern theme, they probably need to understand
that the web is not print - again, an old chestnut: The Dao of Web
Design (http://www.alistapart.com/articles/dao/).

Let the web be the web - they will need to create a design which
changes slightly and yet retains its spirit. A few pixels here and
there is of no real concern. Just as they cannot control the mood of a
patron viewing a painting, they cannot control the equipment used by
their audience.

The web is like a print job with an unlimited budget (well ok, not
really). But seriously - they won't run out of paper on the web, nor
do they have to put up with cheap paper stock.

So they will never need to cram an essay onto an A5 sheet - they can
let a website breathe and spread comfortably. White space is just as
important online as it is anywhere else.

Just like anything else, the medium is not the message. Their designs
need to make the substance shine - they wouldn't get away with
typesetting a novel in 6pt microtext; so they shouldn't expect to do
it online.

Finally...... not everyone has a Mac G5 with a 20inch cinema display.
So don't design pages according to their own gear! :)

Not sure any of that really helps you, but man it was therapeutic to write it :)



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