On April 12, 2005 4:01 AM, Nick Gleitzman wrote:
>I find this simple question works really well to couch Standards in
>that clients can understand:
>'Do you want your site to work yesterday, or tomorrow?'
>Guess what the answer is, 100% of the time.
>You can elaborate a little by explaining that Standards-based code will
>work on browsing devices that haven't even been invented yet - and that
>this will surely represent financial economy when a site doesn't have
>be rebuilt for emerging technology.

I like this approach and it is pretty much the one I take.  I should
mention that Web Design is more of a hobby for me.  So, I've only had a
few clients of my own.  But I wonder about the need to go into detail
with clients about web standards.

I think web standards are important to mention and if the client asks
more about them you can certainly go into detail.  But does your plumber
or electrician go into long explanations about the standards they use
when they're working for you?  When I hire a professional I'm paying
them to use their knowledge and expertise to choose the best "standards"
that are right for the job, not to ask me what techniques I think they
should use.

The discussion list for  http://webstandardsgroup.org/

 See http://webstandardsgroup.org/mail/guidelines.cfm
 for some hints on posting to the list & getting help

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