Gene Falck schrieb:
... I just checked on the 269840 bug and it sounds as
if it might be related to a nuisance problem I've
been seeing in a huge local app (my work notes)...

My problem isn't lines but rather an occasional
vertical doubling of the background image I am using
for LI bullets. The double images happen in different
places when ever I make a change in my code so I
imagine this is either a triggered or cumulative
effect of some kind.

Hi Gene,
yes, that sounds very reasonable. I do not know this bug you described, sorry.

Some of the lines I saw did show up in "older" versions like 1.0. Did you try to reproduce the bug with the recent nightlies from
for your bug: "list image"
you may find the situation you described, i.e.
shows problems with the png list-style-images in my old Moz1.6, but not in my recent nightly.

A workaround can only be found when we have a /small/ testcase. Simplify it.

(A "test case" of 200 lines full of mostly irrelevant code that doesn't change a bit when deleted plus a lot of java script, as provided sometimes, is hard to debug for people like me with limited band-width and mind-width who debug in their free time for /fun/ ).

And, as George said, the most common bugs are /human/. Some are disappearing in thin air by simplifying, I might add.

Good luck!

Regards, Ingo

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