I've got a small background icon that I've hooked to a few <li>'s. Displays as planned in FF, but doesn't display at all in IE6.
Here's the HTML snippet:
    <li class="signInOptions">Admin Area data includes Guestbook Entries, Read A Chapter contacts, and Email contacts.</li>
Here's the CSS:
li.signInOptions {
 margin-left: 10px;
 padding: 5px 0 5px 20px;
 display: block;
 font-size: 0.75em;
 background: transparent url(../../admin/i/info.jpg) 0 5px no-repeat;
If I remove display:block, the icons do show up in IE, but the text in a few of these <li>'s wrap to a second line and I want to preserve left indent on both lines. Not only that, but even though they do show up in IE, the padding isn't retained and two of the three bullets are cut in half. Only in IE (of course).
Any ideas how I can fix this in IE?

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