Nothing's wrong with putting your nav at the bottom of your source. 
Actually I think its a rather good idea!

People using screen readers dont want to bombarded with the same set
of links each time they visit a new page.  Thats why the whole skip to
content thing came users with screen readers could skip to
the content - which is the most important thing about a site, surely?

Moving your nav to the bottom of your structure removes the need for a
skip to content...

I don't know - thats just what I've picked up over time.


On 6/24/05, Ian Main <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Good morning group,
> I have a question regarding page structure and hierarchal order.
> I have a client who insists making me place the site's navigation at the
> bottom of the page structure and than positioning it at the top via CSS.
> His reasons of doing this is for search engine optimisation?
> Quite frankly, this doesn't make sense to me as I thought indexing the
> site's pages is pretty important stuff. Also explaining the issue about
> screen readers and CSS off didn't persuade is discussion.
> Does anyone have any links to this subject or help me explain to him the
> right way of doing this?
> P.S. Hope this isn't off topic, I'm asking help on page structure not SEO.
> Thanks guys,
> Ian Main
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