Great topic! 

I had some experience using xml / xslt earlier this year. I was fiddling with 
w3schools xslt tutorial which uses client-side xslt transformation and I 
finally saw what all the xml fuss was about. The content could be marked up 
meaningfully (according to the actual data) then xslt could lay out the content 
and css could style it.

It was a real 'wow' moment as the xml penny finally dropped - a total 
separation of content and presentation, with no server-side shenanigans needed 
to convert the xml content. As soon as there is consistent browser support for 
client side xslt, we'll be able to deliver pure xml to the client and have it 
apply style and layout as the / browser chooses. True accessibility and 
universality. The web equivalent of 'Zen'.... ;)

In my experience it's not the content that's the problem - it's the outlying 
structure (header, footer, nav, branding) that gets in the way of true 
'semanticity' (look Ma - I done made me up a new word!). If we had a way (no, 
not frames) to semantically separate the nav / branding fluff from the actual 
core content we would be set.

Thoughts welcome,

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