--- "Drake, Ted C. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I try to avoid using spans as much as possible. It's
> not that they are bad,
> but that they could be avoided in many instances.  

I agree with your comments here, Ted, I just didn't
have any context to provide a more meaningful
explanation. Personally, I avoid spans, I'm just not
comfortable with them except in very specific
instances. I'm not sure I would put these book titles
in <a> tags unless they are actually anchoring
something. If it is an anchor, then:

<div class="booktitles">
  <a href="scroll.html">Dead Sea Scrolls</a>
  <a href="otherbook.html">Some other book</a>

And then styling all anchors inside booktitles would
be my preferred process. Again, without knowing the
situation, needs, etc., it's hard to give suggestions.

When it comes down to it, Dwain, I think you need to
use what you are comfortable with, that meets your
needs, and meets the level of symantic meaning/value
and conformity to standards that you are willing to

That's probably more philosophy than is actually
needed... but there it is. :)


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