Stuart Sherwood wrote:

Hi All,
First, I'd just like to check I understand something correctly.
Validation for WAI AAA = WCAG 1.0 Priority 3. Is this correct?

Ok, we can validate for:

   * CSS
   * WAI
   * Section 508

And I've recently learnt about accessibility checks for:

   * Colour blindness
   * Contrast
   * Flicker/strobe

If you pass all these test, does this exhaust all accessibility issues or are there more?


I think there are P3 checkpoints that are not covered here that you would need to check manually.

Just as a side issue, there is a lot of debate in the accessibility community about the merit of using accesskeys, tabindex, etc. Sometimes there is no clear cut path to take regarding these issues, in some places, accesskeys can cause problems in the way they are implemented by user agents and also how they fit the site design, at the same time they can be of great help in forms on intranets where users are doing a lot of repetitive tasks. Similar debates surround tabindex, sometimes it's best to leave this to the natural flow of tabs managed by the user agent, sometimes not.

IMHO, many accessibility practitioners aim for WAI-AA, whilst incorporating the most practical of the WAI-AAA checkpoints to aid accessibility. What I'm talking about here is a basic set of checkpoints one implements for all sites, in such cases, with ROI in mind. My general target is WAI-AA with what I would call the essential AAA checkpoints. Some sites (or clients) warrant all of P3/AAA, which is what is required to certify it as AAA.

My 2 cents worth.


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