
I don't think "using tables is a very good way of raising the risk of
invalid documents" as John suggested, but rather people that use tables have
got an old-fashioned mindset.

Whatever the reason, if you see a table based design, the chances of it being invalid are raised monumentally.

And we are talking about companies and organizations with billion dollar turnovers, multi billion dollar market caps.

I think in part you are right that it is mindset. But I'd also argue that the simple use of tables increases the complexity of code, and with it the chances of error. This is a lesson hard learned in Software Engineering - complex languages and constructs, and syntactic complexity raise the chances of error among all developers. The last 30 years of development of programming languages and software engineering approaches has been one of simplifying, and managing complexity (you might argue that it hasn't worked all that well, at least in the wild)

Moonshots famously missed the moon due to the complexity of fortran. These were smart people, smarter than I ever was or will be.

We tend to learn these lessons in web development slowly, painfully and fitfully if at all.

So not only is it *who* is using the technique, it is the technique itself which is problematic.


John Allsopp

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