Hi Patrick,

I know, but I thought Blogger then had to go through a (server-side)
process of rebuilding every single static version of the pages, which
on a large blog can take quite a while...or maybe I'm thinking of
Movable Type? Ah, whatever...you catch my drift, which is surprisingly
coherent for a Monday ;)

I'm sure you are correct about the server-side work involved. And yes, it does take some time (you see a spinning clock hand while it's doing it's thing), but it's surprisingly easy to do.

The other nice thing about Blogger is that many if not all of the templates are well designed. Mine was originally designed for Blogger by Zeldman. I've modified it a lot, but the framework is his. Unfortunately, I added Haloscan trackback and comments, which make it fail validation. Otherwise it validates XHTML 1.0 strict, which is think is fantastic for a free blogging tool. All cms's and blogging tools should do so well!

Best regards,

Marilyn Langfeld

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