Janelle Clemens wrote:
> My designer is on me to reduce the size of the font in the search box
> on the templates for our redesign. But I can not get it to budge
> without getting too small. Does anyone know of a trick for this. We
> have decided to use a fixed font (px or pt) for the search box text.
> Two reasons: 1. to keep it constant when a viewer increases their

Viewers zoom their fonts so that they can see things that designers make
too small.

> browser font, and 2. using em was way to inconsistent cross browser.

As indeed it should be. Ems are designed to accomodate users' needs, and
so will vary in ultimate size depending on user settings. When you
design to take this into account, everybody wins.

> The text under the search box is the size my designer wants it to be.
> http://www.sgi.com/tempie/search_font.html
> .box {font-size: 9px;}

Both are already much much much too small for me to tell any difference
between them. The latter @ 10px is 1/4 the size of my default, totally
useless if I'm stuck using IE. You should set up a system for high
resolution and show "my designer" what 10px can mean to accessibility.
"Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you."
                                                Psalm 55:22 NIV

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409

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